Archangelic Blessing of the Spheres of Peace within your Mind

Qala invites you to receive the Archangelic Blessing of the Spheres of Peace within your Mind, as a support during our world’s troubling times.
Try this to experience a Powerful Shift in your Mind to come to a deeper state of peace. This Blessing will support you to return to yourself, when you are out of sorts, having a hard time in your life and your Mind has lost all connection to Peace. You may receive it as many times as you wish, until you feel a great shift. Send it to any of your friends or family as a gift of support if you know they need this Blessing.
Introduction to the Archangelic Blessing of your Mind
Beautiful Heart,
does not matter what is on your mind, if you are able to know everything will
be okay, and you feel supported in your life. But what if you are unable to know
everything will be okay and you do not feel supported? This is the time when we
begin to experience pain within our minds, and we lose all connection to inner
peace. When we experience pain in our minds, we feel alone, and unloved and do
not know what to do. We become afraid of our future and of others and begin to
live in fear.
this occurs, how can we change this?
1. We need to change the state of our energy to a higher vibration
2. We need to feel supported
For when we are in a higher vibration and feel supported, we are able to feel and think very differently about the many issues we experience in life. Then we can approach these matters from a place of peace instead of angst, desperation or worry. We no longer see these matters as the end of our world and feel the pain and fear in our minds as we approach our problems to find a solution to them.
How can we feel supported?
people believe you need other people around you to feel supported. It is always
wonderful if we have loving people by our side who understand us but this is
not always possible. Even if you have no one understanding you or supporting
you, you can be powerfully supported by the Angels and Archangels when you
learn to ask for what you need in life and ask in the right way. Their support
will be more than enough to help you to shift pain from your mind if it ever
arises as described above.
Angels and Archangels understand that for you to feel fully supported both your
energy body and physical body needs to be resonating to the frequency of your
Soul Vibration. This is the natural frequency of your heart energy and inner
light of your soul. When this occurs, you will always feel a return to your
true self again and feel a state of greater wholeness and inner peace.
life gets tough, and obstacles, issues, problems seem to be coming at you from
every angle, most people respond by closing their inner light and hearts down
as a form of protection of themselves, but this only makes life more difficult. This creates the vibrational frequency of your energy body and physical body to
powerfully lower in vibration. When your vibration lowers a lot, it creates
one’s spirit to dissociate from your body, mind and soul. This creates an
experience of separation. This experience of dissociation is the source of all
anxiety and fear overtaking the mind and body.
we are not feeling whole, and at peace, it is a sign that our spiritual
connection is disconnected. In other words, our spirit is not housed in our
field and body. We lose a lot of our energy because of this, and we need to
have our spirit back in our energy body and physical body to feel peace,
connection and wholeness again.
Take 15 minutes out of your day to feel better when you need it.
Simply by saying this prayer out loud, you will bring the Archangelic Blessing to you that will restore you to begin to return to a more holistic state of well-being.
I give permission to receive divine grace for every aspect of my being.
Sweep my energy body and physical body with the Cosmic White Flame 22 times, or as many times as I need to reclaim my sense of self and inner peace now.
Activate The Shield of Light and The Shield of Protection through my energy body and initiate the Spheres of Peace to the 1st Octave through every dimension of my mind and spirit now.
Take 3 deep breaths, then say the following words out loud:
I choose to let go of all stress, anxiety, worry and fear now.
I give all the source of my worries, stress, anxiety and fear to the Angels and Archangels to lift from me now.
I ask for the highest form of divine assistance to support me to bring me back to my heart and a state of peace in my mind now.
Take 3 deep breaths. Breathe in to receive the love and higher energy and breathe out to let go of the past, the fears, the worries, the issues, the problems, the anxiety. Say the following words out loud again:
I invoke the Presence of the Angelic and Archangelic Command to be with me now.
I call on the 222 Angels and 22 Archangels of Peace to bless me and infuse me with the Flame of Peace.
Activate the Spheres of Peace to the 2nd Octave, through every dimension of my mind and spirit now.
I call on the 222 Angels and 22 Archangels of Liberation to bless me and infuse me with the Flame of Freedom.
Activate the Spheres of Peace to the 3rd Octave, through every dimension of my mind and spirit now.
I call on the 222 Angels and 22 Archangels of Love to bless me and infuse me with the Flame of Love.
Activate the Spheres of Peace to the 4th Octave, through every dimension of my mind and spirit now.
I call on the 222 Angels and 22 Archangels of Grace to bless me and infuse me with the Flame of Grace.
Activate the Spheres of Peace to the 5th Octave, through every dimension of my mind and spirit now.
I call on the 222 Angels and 22 Archangels of Forgiveness to bless me and infuse me with the Flame of Forgiveness.
Activate the Spheres of Peace to the 6th Octave, through every dimension of my mind and spirit now.
I call on the 222 Angels and 22 Archangels of Serenity to bless me and infuse me with the Flame of Serenity.
Activate the Spheres of Peace to the 7th Octave through every dimension of my mind and spirit now.
I call on the 222 Angels and 22 Archangels of Divinity to bless me and infuse me with my Soul Vibration now.
Activate the Spheres of Peace to the 7th Octave, through my energy core, through all my energy body, and through every dimension of my mind and spirit now.
Take another 44 breaths. Breathing in the love, higher energy and support from the Angels and Archangels and breathing out the fear, anxiety, worry and stress.
You may wish to lay down for 10 minutes to allow the Angels and Archangels to continue to infuse you and complete this blessing.
You may do this every day, or more than once a day, until you feel at Peace in your life.

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