Thank you for offering the text, an extra support to learn English and be even more in the letting go...
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Receiving the teachings of the Energy Science of Your Universal Connection was a thrilling and profound journey of discovery, learning and expansion for me. Qala Sri'ama is a brilliant, masterful teacher - generous, loving, nurturing and crystal clear. She models integrity and alignment consistently, while holding a remarkable space of choice and freedom. I still experienced the unfoldment and blessings for many months after receiving the program.
Being able to work with the Enlightened Masters and channel the Holy Spirit has been humbling and such a source of growth. The Christ Light Healing Program is powerful, transformative, and the influx of Grace is beyond description. Being able to learn from the Masters is empowering and divinely guided. I was so blessed to receive this 5 day program. Grace & Gratitude.
I received the Energy Science of Your Universal Connection Program and found it very helpful. Qala's teachings are very clear and of a high frequency; they make it easy for me to go outside of my mind's limitations and connect with higher guidance. Qala is a very approachable teacher and is willing to answer all questions so that everyone understands the processes even if energy work is new to them.
I started the Christ Healing Program with my heart full of pain & distress. I finished with my heart full of joy, forgiveness, awareness, love & so much Grace. My gratitude to Qala always from the bottom of my heart.
The 3 day Divine Presence Program with Qala has taken me through a profoundly deep and rich journey, through which many aspects of my consciousness have resolved and returned to my heart. I am profoundly grateful for all I have received. Qala is truly a unique inspirational teacher. A blessing for us all.
The Heart Portal is such wondrous energy work that is assisting greatly in lifting vibration, clearing obstacles and achieving balance; I am so grateful to the team that have generously made this work accessible to all. Thank you for opening new possibilities, inviting awareness, and assisting in raising the collective consciousness. Blessed be!
Master Meditation is the most comprehensive, powerful & effective meditation training program I have ever encountered. It is my 'go to' daily meditation practice. If you want to deepen your meditation experience and divine connection, I highly recommend this training program
I have received the EASE Program by Qala Sri’ama. A validating, respectful and mind-blowing new experience! All teachings are placed in a context of LOVE and this is demonstrated consistently through the delivery of the work. I feel lightened, grounded and more here than ever before.
The 3 weeks that I spent receiving the Secret Teachings of Enlightenment from Qala was the most profound experience of love and support of my life. The true effect began after receiving the teachings, and continues and accelerates week after week. With deepest gratitude, and much love.
The Secret Teachings of the Masters has been the most fulfilling, amazing, fantastic program. It has completely changed my life in ways that I could never accomplish on my own. Thank you Qala, for the divine gifts that you offer to the world, without them my life would still be the same.
The Secret Teachings of the Masters to anchor the Divine Channel Program with Qala Sri'ama, has been the most profound journey with the Ascended Masters and Beings of Light and has deeply enlightened my being, assisting me to release deep old fears that have stopped me in the past, from opening and deepening the divine channel on Earth. Thank you Qala, Thank you.
I am so impressed with the quality of Qala's teaching and how it has precisely met my needs and taken me beyond. She truly addresses what is needed. To expand a thought that may be familiar, and then break it down and dissect it again so thoroughly to make The Secret Teachings of the Masters a very powerful program. And it is all done with great love. I am so grateful.
The Secret Teachings of the Masters is a Fantastic, Superlative, Transformational and Amazing Program which I highly recommend. It is profoundly clear, deep and practical filled with great tips and practices, to facilitate insight and illumination on many levels.
The Secret Teachings of the Masters Program is empowering, practical, enlightening, encouraging, powerful and divine. I am deeply grateful to Qala, the Masters, Angels and Emissaries of Light for the love, light and support to ground these extremely significant teachings on the Earth for all of Humanity.
The Secret Teachings of the Divine Channel is the deepest and most profound blessing for us, and the Earth. To know and receive the highest potential blueprint and teachings, for a complete and effective training to be a grounded divine channel is the greatest blessing. The teachings for me will help me live a balanced happy life as well as bring through my service as a channel in the highest way.
I have taken many classes for healing and embodiment of consciousness and I can tell you that The Secret Teachings of the Masters has been the most amazing, beautiful and loving workshop to integrate the divine energy, true love, and recognise even more of my being. Thank you so much Qala for this beautiful experience.
I have been studying with Qala for 6 years and have received many
meditations and programs, including the Energy Science of Your Universal
Connection. Qala’s work is always and entirely both literal and
universal; literal, in that she teaches the specific practice of loving
consciousness energy, and universal, because our learning and practice can be
applied to all aspects of our life, relationships, and intentions. Qala is love
without judgment. Receiving her teachings, is to embrace so many aspects of who I am...child, scholar, believer, skeptic,
ascetic, saint and sinner. I feel held in a deep embrace
of caring and guidance, unable to forget that I/we are all beings of light and
love. Qala is a rigorous technician of the sacred journey into consciousness
and a compassionate teacher in the difficult art of forgiveness, constantly
reminding me that I am older and wiser and more profoundly childlike than I
know or allow myself to be. Laughing to give you a bellyache, sharing a
conversation with Archangel Michael, clearly explaining the relationship
between chakra alignment and our feminine/ masculine balance, or the precise technical
instructions to enter deeply into one’s heart... Qala's
work is both demanding and rewarding.