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Win-Win Thinking SuperConsciousness Training

A series of Self Mastery Classes to assist you to discover how to Access your SuperConsciousness for the Win-Win in your life and others.  The WIN-WIN is the art of tapping into the Quantum Field of Infinite Energy and Infinite Potential to create the Highest Possible Positive Outcomes that benefit yourself and others around you.
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Discover how to Access your
SuperConsciousness Connection
and Win-Win Thinking
and see the difference it makes in your life

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Through Love, Collaboration and the Win-Win Mentality, we can truly make a difference.

Be Supported by the Enlightened Masters to switch into a Win-Win Reality.

Shift your energy field structure and brain’s field into positive mode
Unify your energy and build the Win-Win energy in your field
Build & supercharge the Win-Win energy within one Project each month
Remove obstacles from your project and your life
Reset your mind & activate your Win-Win Thinking
Master your reactions and harness your energy
Override subconscious and unconscious programs in your being
Activate your SuperConsciousness Connection
Activate your heart resonance and decision making to be clear

Why take this course?

Ensuring you are living in a positive energy field with a positive attitude and with positive intentions, is the formula for success that will always create a positive future for yourself and others around you.

This training will benefit you if:

ou are very capable and you know that you can create more benefit than what you are creating presently. You have a vision, but what you are doing presently is not yet matching your bigger vision.

Or, you may have a lot of negative energy running through you, sabotaging you and taking you into a lower vibration. You may be living your life via the negative energy mode, or you may drop into negative headspace regularly.

Or, if your life is pretty good, but you are not yet fulfilled in life. You are not using your potential here. You are not yet living to your potential. You may have issues in your life that may be distracting you from doing what you know you are here for.

Join the Win-Win SuperConsciousness Training

  • Be carried by the Enlightened Masters and receive a higher level of support for your Life Projects and your Spiritual Growth and Development.

  • Receive the Secret Keys to accessing your SuperConsciousness and creating Win-Win Outcomes.

  • Learn to see, perceive, and think with your WIN-WIN Mentality, and through developing this, you will be aligning to the Divine Plan for your life, and this will open many wonderful new opportunities for you to grow and expand in WIN-WIN capability.

  • Understand how you can play a larger part in the Transformation of our World. Self-Transformation is your piece of the puzzle.

  • Understand how you can hold the Higher Thought Forms necessary for our shared reality everyday to be Loving, Peaceful and carry greater Integrity, in a world or environment that may seem to be missing this deeper love, peace and integrity.

  • Your Divinity in action may be calling you to give time and energy to the Divine Plan for your Life - a potential for your life that deeply benefits yourself and others to experience the Win-Win Reality.

  • Accessing your SuperConsciousness is the key to your life becoming Win-Win focused and to becoming more extraordinary.

What's included?

  • 3 Introductory videos
  • Module 1: 17 Lesson videos & 6 Lesson ebooks
  • Module 2: 19 Lesson videos & 3 Lesson ebooks
  • Module 3: 18 Lesson videos & 1 Lesson ebook
  • Module 4: 20 Lesson videos & 3 Lesson ebooks
  • Module 5: 9 Lesson videos & 5 Lesson ebooks
  • Module 6: 10 Lesson videos & 7 Lesson ebooks

Win-Win Thinking SuperConsciousness Training
Course Outline

How to Get to Your Course Player:
Click on one of the activities below, or Click on the Play button above.


Qala Sri'ama Phoenix

Qala Sri'ama Phoenix is the founder of the Divine University, an International Teacher and Author. Qala is an Ambassador for the Enlightened Masters. Over the last 20 years, the new education, dispensations, and profound grace offered, has blessed and raised the quality of people's lives in over 40 countries. 
Qala has created over 150 unique programs of new education with the Enlightened Masters for advancement of our consciousness. These programs open access to our Super Consciousness and Self Mastery, developing our Divine Connection to create the embodiment of our Higher Self and Divine Presence as a Path of Transformation in the reaching of our human potential.
Qala's Teachings are unique in their precision of revealing completely new information, sourced from the Universal Realms, and through the Power of Transmission of Divine Frequency which infuses all participants and shifts them into a higher state of awareness.
So many people continue to be amazed at the heights of love, peace, happiness, and the natural high they can reach through the teachings, wondering how...  through simply listening to Qala, it was possible that their energy state and experience could alter so deeply and so quickly, as if to be touched by the Angels, or the hand of God.
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