The Quantum Shift Experience

The Quantum Shift Experience offers you an amazing series of daily chakra/energy body transformations. Kickstart your day by receiving one of our 25 minute Energy Lift-Offs, Energy Top-Ups or our Master Key meditations. Purchase each level individually, or receive a 15% discount when you purchase the all Levels 1 to 9.  Each level offers you 25 minute Divine Energy Infusions delivered daily for 28 days.

Begin your Day in a Higher Way to make it the Very Best Day


Quantum Shift Experience
Level 1

Choose to buy each Level of the Quantum Shift Experience individually for USD $59.


Quantum Shift Experience
Levels 1-9

Choose to buy ALL 9 Levels of the Quantum Shift Experience for USD $499.  
[You save USD $32]

If you are beginning your journey with us...

We highly recommend you register for QUANTUM SHIFT EXPERIENCE as your first program.

This amazing program has 9 levels, each one more powerful than the next. Each level can be received over one month or longer if you wish. You will be imbued with love, and your body, mind, soul and spirit will be fed with the divine energy medicines, frequencies, rays of light to create you to feel lighter and lighter each day.  Imagine what your energy can be like in just a few weeks or months through the Quantum Shift Experience. 

Only 25 minutes a day! You can shift layers from your being and open your inner light, love and power. Life can become so much easier when your energy begins to flow more powerfully from the Quantum Shift Experience meditations & activations. 

The Quantum Shift Experience has been designed to be received in a sequential order, starting with the Introduction mini course and then followed by Level 1 through to Level 9.

Write your awesome label here.

Enroll in your Next Level of 
Quantum Shift Experience

If you are already enrolled in Quantum Shift Experience and you wish to upgrade to a new level, we highly recommend you take the next level by choosing it below.
I enjoyed this self paced course, it was easy to fit around my schedule and I could feel the energy shifts in my body each time I did a session.
I am looking forward to Quantum Shift Level 2.

Grant, Australia

Une expérience extraordinaire au quotidien, qui m'aide à appréhender chaque jour avec plus de paix et de fluidité. Je ne peux plus m'en passer... merci d'avoir écrit le texte, un soutien supplémentaire pour apprendre l'anglais et être encore plus dans le lâcher... Une expérience quotidienne merveilleuse ❤ je recommande ❤❤❤❤❤ merci, merci, merci.

An extraordinary experience on a daily basis, which helps me to approach each day with more peace and fluidity. I can't do without it anymore. Thank you for writing the text, an extra support to learn English and be even more in the 'let go'... A wonderful ❤ daily experience I recommend ❤❤❤❤❤ Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Galima, France

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