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Activate Your Personal Quantum Shift

This is a 2 Part program that will inspire, activate and educate you in a practical way, so that when you wake up each day, you can be an activated human being on your path, with the understanding of how to create crystal clear consciousness to assist you in fulfilling your life purpose. It includes:
Part 1: Activating Your Energy and Purpose
Part 2: The Self Mastery of Your Consciousness

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2 Day Training Program - 11 hours total
Activating Your Energy and Purpose
Love-Light-Workers are spread all over the world, doing their sacred work. Some live with full knowing of their purpose, and others follow their heart and deeply wish to experience this greater knowing of their life direction and the keys to fulfilling their purpose. What is important to recognise is that your Soul's Life Purpose is not activated unless your energy is activated to a specific frequency.
This Personal Quantum Shift experience, offers you an experience regarding 3 focuses:
  • How to activate your Energy Levels to ignite your Life Purpose.
  • How to activate your Life Purpose to bless you and your Life.
  • How to live everyday of your Life with an activated energy in accordance to a higher purpose in your life.

Learning to truly activate your energy is the next step on your path if you have already experienced healing, love and compassion, and have learnt to let go and surrender to the flow of life.

The Self Mastery of Your Consciousness

Qala speaks about Consciousness, and offers first 5 Keys of Mastery of Consciousness - Energy Practices and Keys to use as a path for creating your consciousness to be crystal clear in your life. 
A meditation is offered which guides you to open and clear the consciousness within your Crown, Heart, and Base chakras, and one other primary chakra - the primary chakra that over-lights an intention that you wish to open your consciousness to, so that you have a lighter and easier experience in life. Qala shares from her own experience, how her own Inner Light and Higher Connection opened and cleared to allow her own gifts to activate.

What's included?

  • Session Descriptions ebook
  • Part 1: 5 video files
  • Part 2: 6 video files
  • Consciousness Development & the Overlighting Chakras ebook

Activate Your Personal Quantum Shift
Course Outline

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Qala Sri'ama Phoenix

Qala Sri'ama Phoenix is the founder of the Divine University, an International Teacher and Author. Qala is an Ambassador for the Enlightened Masters. Over the last 20 years, the new education, dispensations, and profound grace offered, has blessed and raised the quality of people's lives in over 40 countries. 
Qala has created over 150 unique programs of new education with the Enlightened Masters for advancement of our consciousness. These programs open access to our Super Consciousness and Self Mastery, developing our Divine Connection to create the embodiment of our Higher Self and Divine Presence as a Path of Transformation in the reaching of our human potential.
Qala's Teachings are unique in their precision of revealing completely new information, sourced from the Universal Realms, and through the Power of Transmission of Divine Frequency which infuses all participants and shifts them into a higher state of awareness.
So many people continue to be amazed at the heights of love, peace, happiness, and the natural high they can reach through the teachings, wondering how...  through simply listening to Qala, it was possible that their energy state and experience could alter so deeply and so quickly, as if to be touched by the Angels, or the hand of God.
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