Universal Mantras
of the One Heart

For the Journey of Opening your Heart

These 3 mantras, when listened to or sung, support a soul on their path of Opening their Heart. Each mantra is sung in the ancient language of love and light.
The 3 mantras together create a one hour journey that will raise your vibration and support you to release the old energies or fears that do not serve you in your life.
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Your God Presence will bless you and offer you the highest potential opening of your divine connection, through your heart, mind, soul, body and spirit as you receive these sacred sounds. Simply give permission for universal assistance and healing before playing the mantras, and find a comfortable place to sit or lay to receive love. These mantras assist you to experience a deeper level of oneness and wholeness.

What's included?

  • 3 video files
  • 3 audio files

Universal Mantras of the One Heart

How to Get to Your Course Player:
Click on one of the activities below, or Click on the Play button above.

Meet the Artists

Qala Sri'ama Phoenix
Qala Sri'ama Phoenix is the founder of the Divine University, an International Teacher and Author. Qala is an Ambassador for the Enlightened Masters. Over the last 20 years, the new education, dispensations, and profound grace offered, has blessed and raised the quality of people's lives in over 40 countries.

Qala has created over 150 unique programs of new education with the Enlightened Masters for advancement of our consciousness.  These programs open access to our SuperConsciousness and Self Mastery, developing our Divine Connection to create the embodiment of our Higher Self and Divine Presence as a Path of Transformation in the reaching of our human potential.

Qala's Teachings are unique in their precision of revealing completely new information, sourced from the Universal Realms, and through the Power of Transmission of Divine Frequency which infuses all participants and shifts them into a higher state of awareness.

So many people continue to be amazed at the heights of love, peace, happiness, and the natural high they can reach through the teachings, wondering how...  through simply listening to Qala, it was possible that their energy state and experience could alter so deeply and so quickly, as if to be touched by the Angels, or the hand of God.
Lelama JYumaali Sjamar

Lelama JYumaali Sjamar is a spiritual teacher who has direct contact with the Councils of Light, with the holy Mother of Creation Yamala, through many visions given to her by the Holy Spirit.

She has dedicated her life to birthing new teachings for humanity’s empowerment, to be present with all in one’s life, through re-contacting the ancient practice of communion with God through sacred sound.

Over 20 years Lelama has discovered the vibration of the human energy field receives the light of God through opening the divine voice and pure sacred sound of the Higher Self.

Her mission is to seed the new teachings through the sacred sites of creation and the hearts of all beings. These new teachings come from advanced star systems and Lelama is aided by higher light beings to assist her fellow humanity to empower themselves to transforming the inner energy and consciousness of self.

You may read more about Lelama and her work at: www.lelama.com.au

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