New Secret Teachings
with Qala   

Practical Support for your Spiritual Path as you Navigate all in your Life

Secret Teaching of Spiritual Agreements

Your Spiritual Agreements (or non-agreements) Empower (or Disempower) Change & Your Life Success

Write your awesome label here.

Join Qala for this amazing 90-120 minute

  • How to create your Spiritual Agreements for Greater Health & Happiness
  • Understand how the Agreements are made between your Soul & Spirit
  • How you can align your Spiritual Agreements to Empower your most important long term Goal for your Life
  • How to make Spiritual Agreements so all of your Consciousness is Empowering a Change you Intend to make in your life

    Meet your teacher

    Qala Sri'ama Phoenix

    Dear heart,
    I am a loving grandmother who was blessed with a miraculous life change, just before my 33rd birthday. Through divine intervention, in one moment, my world changed, when my clairaudience and clairvoyance opened and I found myself surrounded by beings of light, of immense love and wisdom everywhere I walked, communicating with me, announcing to me that I was a world teacher who would travel the world and support the development of The Divine University. 
    My life since that time has been a conversation with Enlightened Masters everyday, years of deep meditation, daily visitations from Angels and Archangels by my side, guiding my every step as a teacher for the new humanity. Sharing a new way to be in a higher state of connection, opening a new path of love and wisdom and co-creation with many higher beings of light. 

    It has been a co-creative journey of facilitating classes, schools, designing educational programs for the new human, writing books, facilitating spiritual journeys at sacred sites, speaking to groups, individuals everywhere from the love and wisdom that pours forth from the enlightened realms.

    It continues to be a deep journey of research into the energy science of our human field/body/brain, a meeting of profound love with many hearts and souls, and an integration of new levels of higher consciousness each year in witness of human evolution and our potential for super conscious connection. We are far more than we know and the Great Mystery drives these amazing explorations and conversations. 

    Higher States of Consciousness, transformation, the energy science of the new human, communication with higher beings of light and the Earth’s guardians have been themes I have been exploring everyday with others since this full contact was made in 1997. It has been a journey of miracles, service, blessings, immense expansions into the pure love, and dynamic creative power of our human spirit, and every day is a another day to co-create with the Enlightened Ones, Archangels and Angels who are my best friends and loving companions.

    The Divine is a true experience and you may be supported by the many Angels and Higher Light Beings beloved. Trust you are not alone, even if you cannot see or hear the loving Angelic Guides and Higher Light Beings with you. They are all around you and ready to support you.  

    So many people continue to be amazed at the heights of love, peace, happiness, and the natural high they can reach through special encounters with Qala, wondering how... through simply listening to Qala, it was possible that their energy state and experience could alter so deeply and so quickly, as if to be touched by the Angels, or the hand of God.

    Qala Sri'ama Phoenix is the founder of The Sirius Library & The Divine University, an International Coach and Author. Qala is an ambassador for the Enlightened Masters, Archangels and Angels. Over the last 26 years, the new education, dispensations, and profound grace offered, has blessed and raised the quality of people's lives in over 45 countries. 

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