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Spiritualise Your Income

Qala Sri’ama offers 5 sessions in response to the ongoing pressures many on the Spiritual Path experience with the material world, and generation of enough income to do what they are here for. The Enlightened Ones bring forth two very unique offers, or solutions, to the core issue of "money" that can become predominant within all Spiritual Initiates minds, to form a blockage to following the heart's clear guidance. They share with you the 5 Primary Master Keys to truly walking your path and following the inspirations of your Spirit and heart in the world as it is.
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Divine Wisdom Teaching - 6 hours
The Enlightened Ones share the Secret Teachings of ‘Spiritualising your Income’, and the power to increase and attract what you need via simply opening your Light Connection and working in what is known as: "Your Higher Self Connection" with your finances. All people who step up into this special connection called " Higher Self Connection" and work with their finances from this place, have all the abundance they need as Spiritual Beings in this Earthly material world, to do all they are guided to by their hearts beloveds.

You will be learning and practicing with the 5 Master Keys to change your way of working with money in the world, so that it aligns to the Light and Divine Source Energy/Essence of your being. The primary problems that Souls on the Spiritual Path have with finance, sources directly from their consciousness and the ego nature battling with the higher awareness around money issue. These no longer exist when these 5 Master Keys are applied simply to all matters of finance, and just as your heart grows, and your Soul grows, so do your finances grow.

What's included?

  • 5 video files

Spiritualise Your Income
Course Outline

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Qala Sri'ama Phoenix

Qala Sri'ama Phoenix is the founder of the Divine University, an International Teacher and Author. Qala is an Ambassador for the Enlightened Masters. Over the last 20 years, the new education, dispensations, and profound grace offered, has blessed and raised the quality of people's lives in over 40 countries. 
Qala has created over 150 unique programs of new education with the Enlightened Masters for advancement of our consciousness. These programs open access to our Super Consciousness and Self Mastery, developing our Divine Connection to create the embodiment of our Higher Self and Divine Presence as a Path of Transformation in the reaching of our human potential.
Qala's Teachings are unique in their precision of revealing completely new information, sourced from the Universal Realms, and through the Power of Transmission of Divine Frequency which infuses all participants and shifts them into a higher state of awareness.
So many people continue to be amazed at the heights of love, peace, happiness, and the natural high they can reach through the teachings, wondering how...  through simply listening to Qala, it was possible that their energy state and experience could alter so deeply and so quickly, as if to be touched by the Angels, or the hand of God.
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