The Path of Love Membership Subscription
An amazing subscription service offering an abundance of divine meditations, teachings, divine energy infusions, cleansings, seminars, and short courses for only
USD $27 per month
USD $27 per month
Be Blessed, Supported & Empowered
on your Path of Love
on your Path of Love
The Path of Love Membership Subscription in the Library of Light is a sacred space filled with divine meditations, teachings, divine energy infusions, cleansings, seminars, and short courses that offer tools to develop your:
Heart Connection, Opening & Expansion
Angelic Contact and Divine Blessings
Love Vibration and Raising one's Energy Levels
Higher Awareness
Soul Connection and Soul Centered Relationships
Higher Self Connection
Relationships and Self Empowerment
Chakra Cleansing & Illumination
Supporting your Awakening Journey and Spiritual Growth, at the Soul level
Supporting you to build a strong loving foundation for your continued Personal & Spiritual Growth
inside to see what you’ll have immediate access to when you subscribe
6 hours of completely New Teachings/Meditations are released every month
6 hours of completely New Teachings/Meditations are released every month
Each month of the Path of Love subscription, a new series of special meditations are added to the Library of Light to advance you on your path of love. Learn how to receive love and open your heart in powerful new ways, you could not even imagine was possible
Receive profound teachings on these fascinating subjects:
- Essential Fundamentals of Energy work
- The Eternal Flame of your Heart
- Opening and Activating the Power of your Heart
- The Unified Field/Quantum Field of Oneness
- Universal Law of Love, Grace, Divinity & Forgiveness
- The Angels, Archangels and Enlightened Masters
- Soul Empowerment and Relationships
- Your Chakras and Energy body
For your Energywork
6 hrs
The Love, Light & Power Activation of your Chakras
your 9 Primary Chakras
Understand your Chakras
Learn about your Chakra Pathways
Understand your Chakras
Learn about your Chakra Pathways
Power Prayers
New Power Prayers will be uploaded each month for you, your family, relationships, projects and business
- bringing new levels of divine assistance and grace to many different aspects of your life
- bringing new levels of divine assistance and grace to many different aspects of your life
Divine Wisdom Teachings
1 hr 53 mins
The Original Promise of Love
Qala Sri’ama opens a Spiritual Portal and a great light will fill the
room you are in and your being, as Messages of Love and Wisdom are
shared. Be bathed in the higher energy of 1,000 Angels and Archangels to
develop your inner strength and faith in yourself and your Life Path,
as the Promise of Love is shown to you.
2 hrs 9 mins
The Science of Love
Qala Sri'ama offers insights on how to connect to the Divine
Source of Love in your heart. Learn to live in your heart in every
moment and let your heart guide your mind wisely. Learn to develop this
experience and trust in it for greater health and happiness in your
1 hr 9 mins
Infinite Grace & Love for your Soul & those Closest to you
Qala Sri’ama offers a session of Personal Support to receive Infinite Grace and
Love for any area of your life that you find difficult. When a Soul has
stress, worries, or even grave concerns, it not only affects them, but
also the people closest to them, for all who have a close connection to a
Soul will always sense when they are not experiencing balance, peace
and love.
1 hr 50 mins
Receive Liquid Love & a New Higher Self Connection
Qala Sri'ama guides you to Connect to your Holy Spirit (God
Presence/Source Connection), and Open and Expand your Eternal Heart Flame in
your heart chakra. Be filled with Liquid Love from the Holy Mother.
Learn to connect to your Inner Light and open and expand your Higher
Self Connection.
2 hrs 32 mins
A Higher Perspective of Relationships
Learn how to own the Power and Beauty of your true self and relate with others
via a Higher Perspective. Our relationships are one of the most
important matters in our life. Consider how much time you spend in
relationship with others. We often identify ourselves via our
relationships, how they are flowing and growing or not flowing and
growing. Everything we experience as a positive and negative is a
reflection of our own consciousness. Our relationships guide us to the
deepest reflections we carry in our being.
2 hrs 16 mins
Deepen your Relationships
Qala Sri'ama guides you on how to coexist and share your whole being and discover the greater meaning of your life. When we begin to mingle our energy with others, through regular exchanges of energy, we often keep a part of ourselves hidden until we trust that this part of us can be received or understood by others. How many parts of you have you hidden away? What drives you to do this?
1 hr 49 mins
Reignite the Power and Passion of your Heart
The messages you will receive will offer you a clear understanding of how the invisible forces in life may benefit you to go beyond what you see is Love, and to experience a Love that is not from the mind, but sources from the core of your being. The Enlightened Ones will speak of passion and love, and how the fire in your heart needs to be tended for you to reignite your passion. They will offer you the 3 sacred ways that you can adopt to reignite the passion in your heart for your life, or what you are engaging in within your life.
1 hr 32 mins
The Power of your Soul - 5 Keys to using the Power of your Soul to walk your Clear Path
Using the Power of Your Soul in harmony with God’s Plan for your Life.
God, Universal Spirit has a plan for every Soul’s life, and it always is
based on how a Soul can best strengthen their Light, and develop their
Love and Light. This plan is affected by your Soul’s Karma and the
fruition of fulfilment for a Soul in life is deeply connected to the
development of their forgiveness for all they hold karma with.
2 hrs 21 mins
Lighten your Relationship with Yourself and your World
Using your Inner Light to receive more Light so that you may balance
your relationship with yourself and your relationship with the outer
world. This teaching will be of significance to those who may find it
energetically difficult to always be shining their Light as a Soul in
the world. It will support those who may find at times, that the Light
or energy of others effects them to close their hearts, or limit their
2 hrs 17 mins
Opening your Angelic Connection to your Angelic Guides
Opening The Angelic Heart of your Family for Healing, Balance and the Flow of Unconditional Love. Over these 2 sessions, Qala will offer a Journey of Soul Healing. You are invited to receive blessings for your Soul, and heart and an Illumination of your Soul’s Happiness. You will receive an Angelic Connection as a Soul, so you may work with the Angels more deeply, and receive a deeper awareness of the Angelic Heart in your family, community and country.
1 hr 29 mins
Balancing Personal and Family Karma
Qala Sri'ama presents 2 sessions which offer insights into the nature of Karma, what it is and how it affects your consciousness awareness. Qala shares her own personal experiences with meeting & clearing her own Karma, and offers understandings of the benefits of Karmic Clearing.
2 hrs 23 mins
The Master's Guide to Success on an Earthly & Spiritual Level
In this session Qala Sri'ama offers you the Wisdom Message from the Enlightened Teachers & Masters of Energy & Consciousness regarding how easily you can become successful as an Earthly being if you embrace your Spiritual Nature through the simple Keys of Mastery they will offer you.
2 hrs 18 mins
Life, Death and the Afterlife
The Enlightened Ones share a unique perspective of life, death and the afterlife, so we may no longer fear, or feel threatened that our ego or fears may block us from living a truly meaningful existence here. They offer us the wisdom which will prepare us for the higher evolutionary journey we may make as a Soul and Spirit upon death, and share how specific opportunities that are given to us, prepare us, so that the afterlife is the most amazing journey of our Soul, a true return to our Source and experience of entering Oneness, and consciously experiencing the Unified Field of Love as permanent.
3 hrs 5 mins
Your Special Life Plan
Join Qala Sri'ama in heart space to understand your Spiritual Path, Evolutionary Path in Consciousness, and your Special Life Plan. It may be surprising to hear that your Life Path is more influenced by your Soul Contracts, Higher Self Contracts and your Soul Mate Contracts than your own Free Will. Your Soul Contracts are made by you and your Spirit on the Spiritual Planes, and have a powerful influence upon your life, as they form the very base of the Divine Plan of your life.
Seminars & Short Courses
5 hrs 30 mins
Your Angelic Power of Command
Qala Sri’ama offers these 6 sessions as a gift to yourself and every member of your family. Families incarnate on Earth together for a higher reason. All families share an Angelic Connection known as your Angelic Lineage. When you receive the special Angelic Initiation being offered by the Enlightened Ones through these sessions, you make a spiritual reconnection to your Angelic Lineage, which is a large group of Angels who are made of all the Angelic Guardians and the Higher Selves of every member of your family including yourself.
6 hrs
Golden Relationships
Qala Sri’ama presents these 4 sessions to offer you the inspiration and
awareness of the approach you need to make, to be able to create your
relationships to last in times of struggle, energetic separation or
heart disconnection.
6 hrs
Sensations Beyond the Mind
Join Qala Sri'ama and 96 Enlightened Ones to Free Yourself from your Mind's Conditions. Enter a Higher State of Consciousness. Awaken a new Level of Consciousness.
Receive Higher Energy Infusions and Get Lighter. Receive 2 tangible Visitations from your Guides, Spiritual Helpers & Higher Self to aid you in your Life Purpose.
3 hrs 29 mins
The Science of Higher States of Perception & Shakti
Qala Sri'ama presents 4 audios that deliver new
understandings of specific energy centres that facilitate higher states of
awareness. Qala offers a clear process for activating the Shakti glow from
within the eternal flame of your heart centre that serves your higher purpose and benefits all life.
New education, divine energy, blessings and support for your Heart journey and Higher Life Purpose.
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